Our Transformative Research Model

E-SToPP’s transformative research model draws from critical race, social, strengths-based, and trauma-informed theories and methodologies that support our mission and vision of getting at the root of philosophical and systemic problems.

Our research goal is to transform disjointed practices and conditions into effective educational trajectories supported by an integrated continuum of care for youth in the school-to-prison pipeline.

E -SToPP’s central research question is: What is the systemic impact of a grass roots network of quality, equitable, transformative schools and educational opportunities designed specifically for underserved and unserved youth who are reentering school, family, and community after isolation, confinement, suspension, expulsion, or incarceration?

Transformative Research Center
E-SToPP invites doctoral students, fellows, faculty, teachers and others to participate with us on transformative research projects.
If interested, Join Our Team.