E-SToPP’s team is dedicated to inspiring all students in each of Miami-Dade’s "school-to-prison pipeline" locations to fall in love with books by sharing hope , transforming education, and empowering youth through free browsing and lending libraries, free little libraries, transformative literacy enrichment classes, schooling, education, and networking opportunities Sharing Hope entails:

  • mapping out all of the "school-to-prison pipeline" locations in Miami-Dade
  • contacting the director/administrator at each "school-to-prison pipeline" location
  • sharing E-SToPP's 2022 mission/vision with each director/administrator in person
  • getting approval to establish, improve, and maintain an E-SToPP free browsing and lending library inside partnering location at no cost to them
  •  establishing, improving, and maintaining an E-SToPP free browsing and lending library inside each partnering "school-to-prison pipeline" location at no cost to them
  • getting approval to establish, improve, and maintain an E-SToPP free little library outside partnering location at no cost to them
  • establishing, improving, and maintaining an E-SToPP free little library outside each partnering "school-to-prison pipeline" location at no cost to them